How To Chicken Laying an Egg - UK Centre


Tuesday, 20 December 2016

How To Chicken Laying an Egg

How To Chicken Laying An Egg     This is out every single leg of every his late but the condition of my Chickens are much better than... thumbnail 1 summary
How To Chicken Laying An Egg

    This is out every single leg of every his late but the condition of my Chickens are much better than the ones you would see in the farms that you get you ex row.
    There's no genetically modiefied anything in that my chickens are not injected with hormones and they taste better and ther're actually better for you way less cholesterol all kids of defferent stuff so anyway join us on home farm ideas so you can see all the defferent video and things that people do in the city I live huntington beach these are chickens anyway god bless your guys what your doing, thanks 

    Thanks you matter on farm ideas and today my rhode island red is getteng ready lay another egg glaze them everyday but I did another video an chickens lay an I thought I try to capture again because  it did really well so you can see your little event is  puckering because the egg is gonna start  falling down so I am couple things I try to keep my egg really clean so so you know  we try to trim  the feathers right here and a little up here because and chickens tend to leave some poop right there and you dont want him getting infected or anything like that or disease and the cleaner you keep the chickens the healthier they are so we'er going to wait for her to go ahead and radiate it doesn't take long usually so but I got something else I got to be real quick so we'll get back to this ok some back seems like right on time II this is how eggs are laid every single one you've ever eaten so you can aleady see the shelter and there it is that's how all eggs related and she a not the cleanest  bird I mean she's ussualy a messy bird what you can actually watch it dry because the heat inside the egg it just drivesright before you eyes so II find these kind of things to be educational for kids so I want to share with everybody the last blog did really well and so I thought I do share with you guys my brother island red if you keep them in good condition and you feed him good you get organic non'gmo eggs beacuse the feed that I feed her is organic non'gmo eggs or a feed and you get great eggs for you family and trust me its a lot worse and a factories this whole procces so and the chickens they're filthy and you get samonella out breaks beacuse of the conditions the chickens are kept in so many ways that I do share that with you guys you can always trim these  feathers like a I thing I just metioned you can always trim these feathers to try to keep it as clean as posible I try to keep things really clean for not only her but for us, as so anyways hopefully that was helpfull and god bless you guys 
     Red's about lay another egg and I want to hit on some stuff that I know a lot of the visitor of my other chickens laying an egg blog we're hitting on one a big concern seem like that doesn't hurt the chickens if it does or it doesn't its kind of  irrelevant beacuse they that is what they do they lay eggs everyday but in my personal opinion I things after the first you know the first few eggs it might hurt but not as much as the first leg beacuse they are laying eggs daily so they might skip a day or two here there but for the most part their land eggs daily secondly this is that having this is very humane the way I am doing it here beacuse you can see there nesting material and in factories they dont get event that they get packed into one to two foot cages and there is about four to five of them per cage and they just basically live their life laying eggs and tell there at a certain eggs they take them out of the cages they kill him and they feed them to us so this is very humane I peersonally haven't done it yet because they gave me so much, so anyways I gonna wait until she get ready to lay and then  I'll get back to you guys and here we go, granted is it not the cleanest in the world but it is definitely cleaner then any caged situation you've been it doesn't have far to go either see how the tips already doing one more push there is now watch the egg there is so much heat inside of it will dry in you dont want to wash the egg right away because there is a protective enamel which you know all these prossesing place all you drive thats not a changing color that it drying all these prossesing plants they was them right away and you know you get salmonela out breaks because they was all taht protective coating off, of another reason so have your own eggs is for safety.


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