Tips getting pregnant faster - UK Centre


Sunday 22 March 2015

Tips getting pregnant faster

You may have spent many years trying to avoid getting pregnant but once you’ve made the decision to try for a baby you want it to happen... thumbnail 1 summary
You may have spent many years trying to avoid getting pregnant but once you’ve made the decision to try for a baby you want it to happen as soon as possible!

There are a number of ways you can maximise your chances of getting pregnant in super, quick time.

It’s not an exact science but if you are under 35, in good health and are having regular unprotected sex it should happen within about six months to a year.

Have sex and have it at the right time

An obvious first step is to make sure you are having enough sex, it’s just not going to happen if you leave this part out!

Sometimes it’s not that easy with work and family commitments. If you want to get pregnant you need to make the time, to make love.

"There’s no need to have sex every day," says fertility expert and midwife Zita West: "Three times a week is fine as the sperm survives for 3 to 5 days."

Marilyn Glenville author of Getting Pregnant Faster agrees: "Don’t have sex every day, every other day is best to allow the sperm to build up in between."

Calculate your most fertile time of the month

"There are only six days in a month when you can get pregnant, says Zita. "The 5 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation."

"Get to know your own cycle, says Dr Diane Farrar research midwife at the Bradford Institute for Health Research." It’s easier if you are on a 28 days cycle, if not keep a diary so you know your optimum time."

Ovulation happens 14 days before you start your period. Once you’ve ovulated an egg is only viable for a day, so 24 hours after ovulation you’ve missed your most fertile time.

In fact a ten year study found that having sex starting 6 days prior to ovulation is the most conducive to achieving conception.

"There are lots of gadgets to help such as tracker apps or ovulation predictor kits, says Siobhan Freegard from Netmums. "Or you can look for your body’s own signs."

Don’t make it a commando mission to get pregnant though, you need to stay relaxed. You partner might not be able to perform to order either.

If timing and predictor testing is stressing you out, Zita says: "Stay relaxed and throw away your thermometer and charts."

Effects of the contraceptive pill

Some women may have been on the pill for many years before deciding to try for a baby.

It may take a few months off the pill for your periods to go back to normal but once you stop using it you are able to conceive.

Zita says: "Sometimes it can take your body a while to get back to normal but you are in fact more fertile when you first come off the pill.

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